Psychology & Psychiatry

Your pupils reveal how much you want to move to the beat

With just one look at your eyes, experts can tell what kind of music you want to move to. The urge to dance becomes greater if you first allow yourself to stomp your feet to the beat.

Psychology & Psychiatry

New book explores psychology of female serial killers

Movies, books and podcasts have popularized the stories of serial killers like Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy, but they also have contributed to the longstanding myth that women are incapable of committing such heinous crimes. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why do we like to play violent video games?

Video games aren't just a hobby for kids or teens. People of all ages and genders from all walks of life play them, and they're available in nearly every home, handbag and pocket around the world.

Psychology & Psychiatry

When does the green monster of jealousy awake in people?

Adult heterosexual women and men are often jealous about completely different threats to their relationship. These differences in jealousy seem to establish themselves far sooner than people need them. The finding surprised ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Women and men still choose partners like they used to

Women seem to care more about security, whereas good looks matter more to men. It used to be that way, and it still is in most places, regardless of the major social changes that have occurred over time.


How the brain 'approximates' without actually counting

From the time of early infancy, humans are endowed with the capacity to approximate the number of objects in their visual field, an ability that continues throughout life and may underlie the development of more complex mathematical ...

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